I miss Pho 21 in Clear Lake. Wednesday nights, B.G, C.D, and I would get together and have Thai Tea, Spring rolls, Chicken Pho and fried bananas with Ice Cream. That was our thing on Wednesdays. We were sure the little Vietnamese restaurant had other great items but our usual culinary fare was just so good we didn't dare try something else and be disappointed. The staff knew us well and always let us sit at the same table.
Inevitably, in Fresno, I tried to recreate home by trying to find the same thing. I checked in the yellow pages and was pleased to find several Pho places listed. I made it my hobby to find Pho 21-esque Pho again in Fresno. It was not an easy task.
The first place I tried served spinach or bok choy instead of thai basil. Needless to say, I never went back there again. The next couple of places were good but not something was missing. Finally, I found a place that made my kind of Pho. It was a little different but it tasted good and I figured it will tie me over until I got a chance to search again or go home to Houston. Unfortanately, I ate there maybe 3 times before the place went out of business. At that point I was quite disheartened. It seemed like I would never find what I was looking for.
About six months later, a new resturant opened up in the old one's place. The new place labeled themselves as serving "asian fusion" cuisine. As much as the notion of "fusion" anything appeals to me, I was more than a little skeptical about what that would mean for the Pho. Do I dare? Should I risk being disappointed again?
And, yes, of course, the glutton, pun not intended, for punishment that I am, I dove into the experience. Yup, the only high-risk sport I'm good at: extreme dining. Fortunately, this time, I was not disappointed! The thai basil was exquisite, the broth divine, and the sriracha sauce was just as I remembered it. It was as close to culinary nirvana as one could possibly come! Okay, I exagerrate. Let's just say it was really good.
I suddenly felt complete again! Rediscovering Pho again was so inspiring that I decided to finally make it from scratch. On. My. Own. Five recipes off of google, three asian stores, and one Whole Foods excursion later, I had the perfect bowl of Chicken Pho. And it was heavenly!
It's funny how happy I was about that. I only discovered vietnamese food in 2006 or so and for some reason, Pho had now been added to my arsenal of comfort food. Yes, indeed, when basmati rice, dosas, sambar, and chicken curry are not comforting enough, bring in the Pho! That's how we do! Some days, when I feel like I have not a friend in the world, my Pho and Netflix get me through the night.
The last Wednesday my friends and I shared at Pho 21 was bittersweet. I had just found out about the job in Fresno and B.G. and C.D. were trying to dissuade me from leaving. They were happy for me but sad that they wouldn't see me again for quite sometime. C.D was sure California was going to fall into the ocean in 2012 and B.G. had heard horrible things about the "armpit" of California; not to mention the non-stop earthquakes. B.G, for good measure, gave me going away gift basket that contained Dramamine, amongst other things, for the inevitable shaky ground I would find myself on. .
As we sat eating at our usual table, I noticed how different it was from our other Wednesdays. It was all very solemn...like it was my funeral. B.G , as she sipped the last of the Pho broth from her melamine spoon, stated very forebodingly, "Lis' you're going to miss this." Sheesh, how's that for last rites? Was I dying and going to California? This could be heaven or this could be hell?? Was Hotel California by the Eagles my funeral dirge??
Melodramatic metaphors aside, B.G was right. I do miss it. I miss it all. Even my own made-from-scratch-perfect-ingredients chicken Pho can't make up for the friends I used to share it with or the times and places I have left behind. It is, however, a reminder of those good times I have experienced, good people I have met, and those wonderful places I have been.
My Pho is not only a delicious, harmonious medley of textures, aromas, and tastes in a bowl, but has also come to symbolize, for me, memories and happiness that transcend time and space. Nourishment not only for the body but the mind as well.
Ha! Chicken Pho for the soul. Indeed!