Alas! 'Tis no jackhammer, nor knife, nor anything seemingly dangerous. It isn't some implant or an alien lying dormant ready to burst through. No, no, no....nothing nearly as exciting. A ganglion cyst. That's what is growing on my wrist. No one knows what causes it but some theories include trauma, over-stress, or rheumatoid arthritis.
P.C. told me that though it seems like a good idea, don't slam a book down on it. Some people said it will go away on it's own if I rest it. Some said I have to surgically remove it while others say I have to get it aspirated.
They even had a diagram and, needless to say, it looks very much like my hand and I was very disappointed that what was shown looked more like a tiny water balloon than anything seemingly interesting. Blah, boring....nothing like a cool "wristbone" but a rather lifeless "wristbubble". Wristbubble....that is no name for a superhero....doesn't even hint of coolness.
Here's the diagram of my ganglion cyst:
P.C. told me that though it seems like a good idea, don't slam a book down on it. Some people said it will go away on it's own if I rest it. Some said I have to surgically remove it while others say I have to get it aspirated.
They even had a diagram and, needless to say, it looks very much like my hand and I was very disappointed that what was shown looked more like a tiny water balloon than anything seemingly interesting. Blah, boring....nothing like a cool "wristbone" but a rather lifeless "wristbubble". Wristbubble....that is no name for a superhero....doesn't even hint of coolness.
Here's the diagram of my ganglion cyst:

It's on the same hand too. It looks retarded, right? Blah. There goes my one chance at being a mutant superhero.
"Look at what's happened to me,I can't believe it myself.Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,should have been somebody else.Believe it or not, I'm walking on air.I never thought I could feel so free.Flying away on a wing and a prayer,Who could it be?Believe it or not, it's just me."
--theme song from "Greatest American Hero"Sigh....that shall never be MY theme song (L.J bitterly shakes a fist at the sky and then suddenly withdraws it in pain....."Owww! Damn wristbubble.")