Saturday, September 28, 2013

FML, a poem

It's sad when I only write in my blog when I'm stuck at the library with nothing better to do. Here's an attempted poem to amuse and bemuse one and all:

At the library
with nothing to do
but type

Words on a screen
scream my ennui
in silence

On a computer that
needs my card number
to log in

Three attempts before
it worked
As if somewhere the truth lurked

elusive in binary code
the one-oh-one-oh-one of a poem
a cursor that begs to move

forward slashing virgin screen
with lettering
pregnant with meaning

scheming rhymes and iambic pentameter
forgive me
I know not what they do

Writing is a faith
a religion
bound by doctrines

Of stylistic hand books
Funk & Wagnells jerk offs
MLA can kiss my ass
APA stick to your couch

Holy books
Hole-y books
Whole books
of words

That mean nothing
Existential angst of bookworms
as they chew on that

Typing away in a library
playing with words
bored out of my mind.

1 comment:

Asha said...

Hi Lisa. This looks like something fantastic to have done when you had "nothing to do". Post more!