Thursday, April 15, 2004

WARNING: Vent Entry (May not be suitable for all readers)

WARNING: Vent Entry (May not be suitable for all readers)
Damn f*ing, sonofabiaaatch!?!??! AARRRRRRGH!!!!! Where DO THEY GET THE F*ing nerve to THINK THAT !!! SONAFA FREAK!!! WHo the f*ck do they think they are!?!? damn crazy mofos in the hiz-ouss?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TAKE THAT AND THAT AND THAT!!!!! DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN. MOFO! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?????!?!?!?! I DON"T GIVE A FLYIN FIG. I COULD F*ing CARE LESS. YOU DON"T KNOW ME. YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND ME! YOU NEVER WILL. SO GET OFF YOUR F*ing HIGH HORSE AND BUY A FREAKIN CLUE. Keeep living in the same f*ing delusion that you are always under if that's where you feel the safest!! DAMN COWARDS. QUITE COMPLAINING IF YOU WON"T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I"M NOT YOUR F*ing PEON TO DO YOUR F*ing SH*Tzu for you!!!!! You want something done, you better f*ing do it yourself. Don't f*ing dismiss my decisions like they make no sense! You ignoramuses aren't the only one in the world who makes sense. Just because some people are less forceful than others doesn't mean that they shouldn't be f*ing taken seriously!!!!!!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?????!?!?!? GO SCREW YOURSELVES AND YOUR I-KNOW-EVERYTHING ATTITUDE. LEARN TO ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG AND LEARN TO F*ing take other people's ideas into consideration!!!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT??? MAYBE I SHOULDN'T CONSIDER OTHER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS. MAYBE I NEED TO BE MORE F*ing SELFISH LIKE YOU!!! HELL, THAT SEEMS TO BE THE F*ing norm nowadays: TRAMPLE ON THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE AND GIVE A DAMN. YOU KNOW WHAT?!?? ONE MORE F*ing STRAW AND this vent session won't be limited to XANGA. NO ONE HERE HAS SEEN ME IN A RAGE AND YOU DON'T WANT TO, TRUST ME. I'VE LEARNED TO CHANNEL IT. BUT DON"T F*CK WITH ME AGAIN BECAUSE I JUST NEED ONE MORE FREAKIN STRAW. JUST ONE FREAKIN MORE.
*sigh* that felt good. I apologize for those who had to read all that. I'm serious about the one more straw thing. It may be the first time in 2 years that it will come to this. But if it needs to happen so be it. I can not be held responsible for my actions or words if it comes to that point.