Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fall 2008

I was right: Fall 2008 kicked my ass. It kicked it good and it's still not over. Three more weeks and then the week of finals. Aaaargh. It makes me wonder why I decided to go back to school again. I must be a total glutton for punishment. On the other hand, it keeps me busy. It prevents my brain from atrophying. That's always a good thing, I think. However, I don't have much time for anything else. What I'm noticing these days is that I want to write and I don't have time. When I do have time, I don't want to write. How weird is that? Oh well, for now, nature's magic has been my solace these days....

In the summer, I hate Fresno. It's hot as hell and the heat is so oppressive. And, sooner or later, I ask the question, "Why the hell did I move here?" 3 months later, I get my answer: Fall. Fall in Fresno. Glorious Fall. And all is well again. If you ever plan to visit Fresno, November is the perfect time to do it. The trees have donned their fall attire and look glorious. Reds, Oranges, and Yellows fill nature's palette and when the wind blows you're caught in swirl of colorful of leaves. Your car is dappled in the colorful windfall and the parking lots are blanketed in the falling foliage. Nature paints her way into winter with the finesse of a master....