Tuesday, July 13, 2004


To be a politician means to compromise what you stand for for the sake of your constituency. I think that says it all. To be a ethical politician (though some might argue that this is an oxymoron) you may have to go with your gut morality, whether your constituency likes it or not, and be brave in the face of popular opinion. But then you are not really a politician but a revolutionary. Politicians make the world go 'round, revolutionaries change it.
On a different note, after my figurative seven days of psychological pain and torment, I believe I have emerged like a phoenix. It was so bad that I could not vent my grief but through songs. In these figurative seven days, I went from self-hate to peaceful resolution. The two pieces of ancient wisdom that saved me:
1. "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching."
2. "God, grant me the Serenityto accept the things I can not change,Courage to change the things I can,and Wisdom to know the difference."